Wishwaye Mavu Basayi (The Language of the Univers) - Isindi Amarasinghe

Wishwaye Mavu Basayi (The Language of the Univers) mp3 songWishwaye Mavu Basayi (The Language of the Univers) lyrics and karaoke
Wishwaye Mavu Basayi (The Language of the Univers).mp3

sapta svarayayi - obayi mamayi visvaye hada gasma eyamayi vidabara sita rahan muda vana viramayakata dahangata vena sadatana ridmayayi mihiri tanuvaka - sitangi muhu kara tavena hadavata semin pirimada munivatin dodamaluvena risi se visvaye mavu basayi gam diye pena - bubulu mumunana sulam ralle rahas kondurana nisa miyasiya sit niva vayana diya dame talayayi

Wishwaye Mavu Basayi (The Language of the Univers) Music Video

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